
【Notice】Regarding COVID-19 infection preventive measures (hygiene management)



Dear Customer,

Thank you for using Sky Hop Bus.

At Sky Hop Bus, we aim to operate with the highest priority on infection prevention measures for our customers safety and peace of mind.

For the time being, we will take the following measures. We do appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

<Basic plicy>

Avoidance of confined spaces

 The vehicle interior has the same conditions as outdoors, but we thoroughly ventilate it as well as the work space.

Avoid crowding

 We will strive to secure social distance and thoroughly avoid crowding.

Close contact avoidance

 We will strive to ensure space,  thoroughly disinfect and try to avoid close contact as much as possible.

Cough etiquette

 Our operations are based on physical condition management and mask wearing.

<What We promise>

1.When our employees come to work, we always measure their temperature.

2.When entering the office space, we carry out sterilization through hand alcohol disinfection. We also ventilate the room as appropriate.

3.As a measure to prevent splashing, we installed acrylic plates and thoroughly disinfect common areas and Masks must be worn during working hours, including when serving customers.

4.We thoroughly disinfect the garage and the handrails, windows, and seat belts that customers touch before and after use.

5.You will be given a seat in a "" seat at a certain distance from others. However, since this is a route bus, if the number of passengers is greater than the number of seats, we may ask you to take a "△" seat while the seat is empty.

<Request customers>

1. Please cooperate in maintaining space between customers when waiting at the ticket counter and when getting on or off the bus.

2. We will take a temperature measurement when you board. You may not be able to use the service if your temperature exceeds 37.5℃.

3. We ask that passengers aboard wear a mask.

4. Please disinfect with the provided disinfectant or with the staff when boarding.

We look forward to using SKY HOP BUS.


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