Introducing The Types of Buses

About Introducing The Type Of Buses

The hop-on hop-off bus tour is a familiar sight in most cities around the world. In order to make it enjoyable, however, open-top double-decker buses are essential. Let us talk about the ones the Sky Hop Bus uses. Please note that we cannot arrange a bus type you may choose as we run different types each day due to the regular inspection and maintenance and other reasons.


Sky Hop Bus uses this type for most of our open-top double-decker buses. All seats are arranged on the upper-deck. Being on board the bus, you will be amazed by the heightened viewpoint and be attracted by the different look of the usual scenes of the city.

  • フルオープン
  • フルオープン


In November, 2019, we introduced as a new type of buses. On the lower deck of this bus, there is a slope to allow wheelchair users to board in their wheelchairs. The front part on the upper-deck of the half-opened type has a roof with air-conditioning. Replacing the old with the new ones is under way both in Tokyo and Kyoto.

  • ハーフオープン
  • ハーフオープン


Some of the open-top double-decker buses Sky Hop Bus uses are with hood. By closing it, it blocks any sudden rainfall.

  • カブリオレタイプ
  • カブリオレタイプ


Known as "Crystal type," this bus is glass-roofed, unique in the world. The bus is run on a flexible schedule and subject to the weather conditions and seasons so that it would help our customers to feel comfortable even in the rain, on a hot summer day or on a cold winter day with air-conditioning.

  • クリスタルタイプ
  • クリスタルタイプ
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