
Privacy Policy

SKY HOP BUS MARKETING JAPAN CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as "SKY HOP BUS MARKETING JAPAN") deeply recognizes that customers' personal information is important information that constitutes privacy when conducting bus ticket sales and advertising business, and when handling personal information in the course of business, we will comply with laws and regulations concerning personal information, as well as with internal company regulations stipulated for the protection of personal information. We will respect our customers and live up to their expectations and trust in us by establishing internal regulations and organizational systems and striving to protect personal information in an appropriate manner.

Acquisition, use and provision of personal information.

We will specify the purposes of use of personal information within the scope of our business activities, and will acquire, use, and provide personal information fairly and appropriately to the extent necessary to achieve those purposes. We will also take steps to ensure that personal information acquired will not be used for purposes other than those specified.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will comply with laws, national guidelines, other norms, and social order concerning personal information, and strive to protect personal information appropriately.

Appropriate management of personal information

We are fully aware of the risks of unauthorized access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of the personal information we handle, and will implement reasonable security measures and take appropriate corrective action if problems arise.

Responding to inquiries

We will respond appropriately to inquiries from the person concerned regarding disclosure, correction, suspension of use, or complaints about personal information handled by us.

Continuous Improvement

We have established management regulations and a management system for the protection of personal information, which are thoroughly implemented by all employees, and are regularly reviewed to continuously improve our personal information protection management system.

August 1, 2023, Establishment

Skyhop Bus Marketing Japan K.K.
Makoto Ishii, Executive Managing Director

Contact information regarding our privacy policy
Personal Information Inquiry Desk
3-9-3 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Contact person General Planning Dept.
TEL : 03-6261-1365

Personal information handled by us.

We are committed to the appropriate protection of personal information in accordance with our "Personal Information Protection Policy". We hereby inform you of the personal information that we obtain or retain for the purpose of our business as follows.

1. Name and address of the business operator handling the personal information, and if the business operator is a corporation, the name of its representative.

Company Name: Skyhop Bus Marketing Japan K.K
Representative Director: Hiroyasu Tomita
Address: 3-9-3 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan

2. Name or title, affiliation and contact information of the personal information protection administrator (or his/her representative)

Personal Information Protection Manager: General Manager, General Planning Dept.
Telephone number: 03-6261-1365

3. Purpose of use of personal information

The purposes of use of personal information handled by the Company in the course of its business activities is as follows.

① personal data in possession

Type of Personal Information Purpose of Use
Customer Information For business management, various communications, billing, and payment management
Ticket Buyer Information To arrange buses, etc., implement purchase decisions, contact purchasers, and perform cancellation procedures
Employee Information To be used for operations related to employee management (operations, labor and human resource management, payroll-related operations, employee benefit operations, etc.)
Inquirer Information To respond to inquiries
Information on the person in question and his/her agent (at the time of request for disclosure, etc.) To respond to requests for disclosure, etc.To respond to requests for disclosure, etc.

Other purposes of use shall be as individually specified in writing

② Other acquired personal information

Type of Personal Information Purpose of Use
Personal information acquired as a result of work entrusted to us To use the information for contracts and related communications, execution of entrusted work, after-sales care, etc.

4. Contact for inquiries regarding personal information.

Complaints, consultations, and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information, including those related to retained personal data, should be directed to the [Inquiry Desk] below.

5. Name of the authorized personal information protection organization to which you belong and where to submit complaints.

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6. Procedures for disclosure, etc.

We will promptly respond to requests for disclosure, etc. (notification of purpose of use; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of content; suspension of use; elimination; suspension of provision to third parties; disclosure of records of provision to third parties) regarding retained personal data or records of provision to third parties by the person in question. Upon request, we will respond to such requests within a reasonable period and to a reasonable extent after confirming that the person making such a request is the person in question or his/her representative.

7. Method and contact for receiving disclosure, etc.

Please contact the following reception desk for requests for disclosure,
etc. of retained personal data or records of provision to a third party. After receiving your contact, we will send you a "Request Form for Disclosure of Retained Personal Data" by mail, fax, or e-mail. Please fill out the form, enclose the necessary documents, and send it by mail or e-mail. (Please note that the sender is responsible for the cost of sending the form to us.) After confirming your identity (or that of your representative), we will respond to you by the disclosure method of your choice.

8. Measures taken for the safe management of personal information.

To handle personal information strictly, we have established.
rules and regulations regarding personal information based on our personal information protection policy in accordance with JIS Q 15001 and are operating a personal information protection management system.
To ensure the proper handling of personal information, we have implemented safety control measures from four perspectives: organizational, personnel physical, and technical.

  • Establishment of Basic Policies
    To ensure the proper handling of personal data, The "Compliance with Related Laws, Regulations, Guidelines, etc." and "Contact for Questions and Complaints" are available to the public.
  • Establishment of rules for the handling of personal data
    Basic handling methods are in place when acquiring, using, and storing personal data.
  • Organizational safeguards
    We have implemented a monitoring system for the handling of personal data, etc.
    In addition, internal regulations will be developed to clarify the procedures for safety management.
  • Personal safety measures
    We will regularly provide education on the protection of personal information.
  • Physical safeguards
    We shall clearly identify the areas in which security should be maintained and strive to prevent theft, leakage, etc.
  • Technical safeguards
    We strive to prevent information leaks by controlling access and preventing unauthorized access from outside.
  • Understanding the external environment
    We use the hosting services of a domestic operator and do not provide personal data to foreign countries.

For other detailed information on specific safety control measures, please contact us at the following address.

Inquiries: [Inquiry window]

Name of contact person Personal Information Inquiry Desk
Contact Contact: General Planning Department
Address: 3-9-3 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Phone: 03-6261-1365
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