
Company Profile

Name Skyhop Bus Marketing Japan Co., Ltd. (SMJ)
Head Office 3-9-3 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Sales Office Tokyo : 3-9-3 Kanda Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Kyoto : Kyoto Tower Bldg. 3F, 721-1 Higashishiokoji-cho, Shichijo-sagaru, Karasuma-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto
Established June 14, 2018
President Hiroyasu Tomita (Representative Director of Hinomaru Jidousya Kougyo Co., Ltd.)
Capital 100 million yen (Capital reserve: 150 million yen)
Fiscal Year April 1 to March 31 (following year)
Total Issued Shares 10000
Hinomaru Jidousya Kougyo Co., Ltd. 56.60%
JTB Corporation 33.40%
Keihan Bus Co., Ltd. 10.00%
President Hiroyasu Tomita
Vice-President Tetsufumi Tomita
Senior Managing Director Makoto Ishii
Director (Part-Time) Kazuhiro Tomita
Director (Part-Time) Yasuhiro Muto
Director (Part-Time) Shin Fujimoto
Director (Part-Time) Mitsuharu Nakamura
Director (Part-Time) Wataru Tanaka
Auditor (Part-Time) Hisashi Fukamachi
Corporate Objectives 1. Sales of Sky Hop Bus tickets, related goods, etc.
2. Inclusion of promotional advertisements on Sky Hop buses
3. Travel industry-related tasks
4. Surrogate sales (including boarding tickets) for domestic and international railway, passenger ship, airline, and other transportation agencies
5. Consignment sales of various discount vouchers and tickets
6. Leasing of vehicles and office equipment
7. Sales of household goods, food, magazines, etc.
8. Any business related to the above objectives
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